
Li, L., et al. (2023)

Encoding, working memory, or decision: how feedback modulates time perception

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The hypothesis that individuals can accurately represent temporal information within approximately 3 s is the premise of several theoretical models and empirical studies in the field of temporal processing. The significance of accurately representing time within 3 s and the universality of the overestimation contrast dramatically. To clarify whether this overestimation arises from an inability to accurately represent time or a response bias, we systematically examined whether feedback reduces overestimation at the 3 temporal processing stages of timing (encoding),...

Swainson et al. (2023)

Preparing a task is sufficient to generate a subsequent task-switch cost affecting task performance

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This study investigated the nature of switch costs after trials on which the cued task had been either only prepared (cue-only trials) or both prepared and performed (completed trials). Previous studies have found that task-switch costs occur following cue-only trials, demonstrating that preparing-without performing-a task is sufficient to produce a subsequent switch cost. However, it is not clear whether switch costs after these different types of trial reflect an impact of task-switching upon task preparation or task performance on the current trial. The present study...

Grill et al. (2023)

Development and validation of an open-access online Behavioral Avoidance Test (BAT) for spider fear

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The Behavioral Avoidance Test (BAT) for spider phobia is a widely-used diagnostic tool assessing fear by measuring avoidance behavior. However, BATs require considerable preparation and different BAT protocols across studies hamper result comparability. To address this, we have developed an open-access online BAT (vBATon). We validated its efficacy in measuring avoidance and eliciting anxiety/disgust by comparing it to a real-life BAT. Spider-fearful (N = 31) and non-fearful (N = 31) individuals completed both tests on separate dates. Both tests...

Ivanov et al. (2023)

Reliability of individual differences in distractor suppression driven by statistical learning

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A series of recent studies has demonstrated that attentional selection is modulated by statistical regularities, even when they concern task-irrelevant stimuli. Irrelevant distractors presented more frequently at one location interfere less with search than distractors presented elsewhere. To account for this finding, it has been proposed that through statistical learning, the frequent distractor location becomes suppressed relative to the other locations. Learned distractor suppression has mainly been studied at the group level, where individual differences are treated...

Smith et al. (2023)

Social reward processing and decision making in younger and older adults

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Behavioural and neuroimaging research has shown that older adults are less sensitive to financial losses compared to younger adults. Yet relatively less is known about age-related differences in social decisions and social reward processing. As part of a pilot study that was sponsored by the Scientific Research Network on Decision Neuroscience and Aging, we collected behavioural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from 50 participants (Younger: N = 26, ages 18–34 years; Older: N = 24, ages 63–80 years) who completed three tasks in the...

Zhou et al. (2023)

The social transmission of empathy relies on observational reinforcement learning

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Theories of moral development propose that empathy is transmitted across individuals, yet the mechanism through which empathy is socially transmitted remains unclear. We conducted three studies to investigate whether, and if so, how observing empathic responses in others affects the empathy of the observer. Our results show that observing empathic or non-empathic responses generates learning signals that respectively increases or decreases empathy ratings of the observer and alters empathy-related responses in the anterior insula (AI), i.e., the same region that...

Brooks & Sokol-Hessner (2023)

Cognitive strategy use selectively changes temporal context effects in risky monetary decision-making

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Some of the most influential modern theories of risky monetary decision-making assume that choices result from stable, trait-like preferences, invariant to contextual influences such as recent events. Recent research has challenged this assumption, demonstrating that even when values and probabilities are explicit and known, decisions under risk are contextually sensitive, affected by recent events on multiple timescales, including immediate (previous monetary outcomes), neighborhood (recently encountered values), and global (cumulative earnings relative to dynamic...

Linka et al. (2023)

Free viewing biases for complex scenes in preschoolers and adults

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Adult gaze behaviour towards naturalistic scenes is highly biased towards semantic object classes. Little is known about the ontological development of these biases, nor about group-level differences in gaze behaviour between adults and preschoolers. Here, we let preschoolers (n = 34, age 5 years) and adults (n = 42, age 18–59 years) freely view 40 complex scenes containing objects with different semantic attributes to compare their fixation behaviour. Results show that preschool children allocate a significantly smaller proportion of dwell time and first...

Amsalem et al. (2023)

The effect of load on spatial statistical learning

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Statistical learning (SL), the extraction of regularities embedded in the environment, is often viewed as a fundamental and effortless process. However, whether spatial SL requires resources, or it can operate in parallel to other demands, is still not clear. To examine this issue, we tested spatial SL using the standard lab experiment under concurrent demands: high- and low-cognitive load (Experiment 1) and, spatial memory load (Experiment 2) during the familiarization phase. We found that any type of high-load demands during the familiarization abolished learning....

Zorowitz et al. (2023c)

Improving the reliability of the Pavlovian go/no-go task

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The Pavlovian go/no-go task is commonly used to measure individual differences in Pavlovian biases and their interaction with instrumental learning. However, prior research has found suboptimal reliability for computational model-based performance measures for this task, limiting its usefulness in individual-differences research. These studies did not make use of several strategies previously shown to enhance task-measure reliability (e.g., task gamification, hierarchical Bayesian modeling for model estimation). Here we investigated if such approaches could improve...

Yamaguchi & Swainson (2023)

What determines a task-switch cost after selectively inhibiting a response?

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The task-switch cost is one of the most robust phenomena, but it can disappear after nogo trials where the actors decide not to respond to the target. According to the response-selection account, it is the occurrence of response selection that generates a task-switch cost on the following trial. The present study used a variety of selective go/nogo procedures to investigate whether response selection on nogo trials is followed by a switch cost. The first two experiments aimed to replicate previous studies in which go/nogo trials could be distinguished either...

Friehs et al. (2023)

No effects of 1 Hz offline TMS on performance in the stop-signal game

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Stopping an already initiated action is crucial for human everyday behavior and empirical evidence points toward the prefrontal cortex playing a key role in response inhibition. Two regions that have been consistently implicated in response inhibition are the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and the more superior region of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). The present study investigated the effect of offline 1 Hz transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the right IFG and DLPFC on performance in a gamified stop-signal task (SSG). We hypothesized that...

Barretto-Garcia et al. (2023)

Individual risk attitudes arise from noise in neurocognitive magnitude representations

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Humans are generally risk averse, preferring smaller certain over larger uncertain outcomes. Economic theories usually explain this by assuming concave utility functions. Here, we provide evidence that risk aversion can also arise from relative underestimation of larger monetary payoffs, a perceptual bias rooted in the noisy logarithmic coding of numerical magnitudes. We confirmed this with psychophysics and functional magnetic resonance imaging, by measuring behavioural and neural acuity of magnitude representations during a magnitude perception task and relating these...

Cotton et al. (2023)

The effects of mind-wandering, cognitive load and task engagement on working memory performance in remote online experiments

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Recent events have led to a change in environments from in-person to remote work for many people. This change presents several issues for work, education, and research, particularly related to cognitive performance, as the remote environment may have more distractors. An increase in distraction is one factor that may lead to increases in mind-wandering and disengagement with the task at hand, whether it is a virtual meeting, an online lecture or a psychological experiment. The present study investigated effects of mind-wandering and multitasking during working memory...

Jiang et al. (2023)

Mechanisms of cognitive change: Training improves the quality but not the quantity of visual working memory representations

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As of yet, visual working memory (WM) training has failed to yield consistent cognitive benefits to performance in untrained tasks, despite large improvements in trained tasks. Investigating the mechanisms underlying training effects can help explain these inconsistencies. In this pre-registered, pre-test/post-test online training study, we examined how training affects the quantity and quality of representations in visual WM using continuous-reproduction tasks. N = 64 young healthy adults were randomly assigned to an experimental group or an active control...

Komar et al. (2023)

The animacy effect on free recall is equally large in mixed and pure word lists or pairs

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The cognitive mechanisms underlying the animacy effect on free recall have as yet to be identified. According to the attentional-prioritization account, animate words are better recalled because they recruit more attention at encoding than inanimate words. The account implies that the animacy effect should be larger when animate words are presented together with inanimate words in mixed lists or pairs than when animate and inanimate words are presented separately in pure lists or pairs. The present series of experiments served to systematically test whether list...

Molinaro & Collins (2023)

Intrinsic rewards explain context-sensitive valuation in reinforcement learning

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When observing the outcome of a choice, people are sensitive to the choice’s context, such that the experienced value of an option depends on the alternatives: getting $1 when the possibilities were 0 or 1 feels much better than when the possibilities were 1 or 10. Context-sensitive valuation has been documented within reinforcement learning (RL) tasks, in which values are learned from experience through trial and error. Range adaptation, wherein options are rescaled according to the range of values yielded by available options, has been proposed to account for this...

Sakamoto & Miyoshi (2023)

A confidence framing effect: Flexible use of evidence in metacognitive monitoring

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Human behavior is flexibly regulated in accordance with specific goals of cognitive tasks. One notable instance is the goal-directed modulation of human metacognitive behavior, where logically equivalent decision-making problems can yield different patterns of introspective confidence depending on the frame in which they are presented. While this observation highlights the important heuristic nature of metacognitive monitoring, the computational mechanisms of this phenomenon remain elusive. Using a two-alternative dot-number discrimination task, we aimed to investigate...

Zika et al. (2023)

Trait anxiety is associated with hidden state inference during aversive reversal learning

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Updating beliefs in changing environments can be driven by gradually adapting expectations or by relying on inferred hidden states (i.e. contexts), and changes therein. Previous work suggests that increased reliance on context could underly fear relapse phenomena that hinder clinical treatment of anxiety disorders. We test whether trait anxiety variations in a healthy population influence how much individuals rely on hidden-state inference. In a Pavlovian learning task, participants observed cues that predicted an upcoming electrical shock with repeatedly changing...

Abeles et al. (2023)

Initial motor skill performance predicts future performance, but not learning

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People show vast variability in skill performance and learning. What determines a person’s individual performance and learning ability? In this study we explored the possibility to predict participants’ future performance and learning, based on their behavior during initial skill acquisition. We recruited a large online multi-session sample of participants performing a sequential tapping skill learning task. We used machine learning to predict future performance and learning from raw data acquired during initial skill acquisition, and from engineered features calculated...

Laplante et al. (2023)

Aural and written language elicit the same processes: Further evidence from the missing-phoneme effect

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When readers are asked to detect a target letter while reading for comprehension, they miss it more frequently when it is embedded in a frequent function word than in a less frequent content word. This missing-letter effect has been used to investigate the cognitive processes involved in reading. A similar effect, called the missing-phoneme effect has been found in aural language when participants listen to the narration of a text while searching for a target phoneme. In three experiments, we tested the hypothesis that both effects derived from the same cognitive...

Marzuki et al. (2023)

Compulsive avoidance in youths and adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder: An aversive Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer study

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BackgroundCompulsive behaviour is often triggered by Pavlovian cues. Assessing how Pavlovian cues drive instrumental behaviour in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is therefore crucial to understand how compulsions develop and are maintained. An aversive Pavlovian-to-Instrumental transfer (PIT) paradigm, particularly one involving avoidance/cancellation of negative outcomes, can enable such investigation and has not previously been studied in clinical-OCD. MethodsForty-one participants diagnosed with OCD (21 adults; 20 youths) and 44 controls (21 adults; 23...

Zetsche et al. (2023)

Computerized cognitive training to reduce rumination in major depression: A randomized controlled trial

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Rumination is a well-known risk factor for the onset and recurrence of depressive episodes. Depressed individuals with a tendency to ruminate have been found to exhibit deficits in updating the contents of working memory. Thus, working memory training targeting updating-specific cognitive control processes may bear the potential to reduce ruminative tendencies. This registered clinical trial (ClinicalTrials.gov/NCT03011216) examined the effect of training cognitive control on rumination in the daily lives of clinically depressed individuals. Sixty-five individuals...

de-Waard et al. (2023)

Statistical learning of distractor locations is dependent on task context

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Through statistical learning, humans can learn to suppress visual areas that often contain distractors. Recent findings suggest that this form of learned suppression is insensitive to context, putting into question its real-life relevance. The current study presents a different picture: we show context-dependent learning of distractor-based regularities. Unlike previous studies which typically used background cues to differentiate contexts, the current study manipulated task context. Specifically, the task alternated from block to block between a compound search and a...

Bavard & Palminteri (2023)

The functional form of value normalization in human reinforcement learning

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Reinforcement learning research in humans and other species indicates that rewards are represented in a context-dependent manner. More specifically, reward representations seem to be normalized as a function of the value of the alternative options. The dominant view postulates that value context-dependence is achieved via a divisive normalization rule, inspired by perceptual decision-making research. However, behavioral and neural evidence points to another plausible mechanism: range normalization. Critically, previous experimental designs were ill-suited to disentangle...

Mikus et al. (2023)

Blocking D2/D3 dopamine receptors in male participants increases volatility of beliefs when learning to trust others

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The ability to learn about other people is crucial for human social functioning. Dopamine has been proposed to regulate the precision of beliefs, but direct behavioural evidence of this is lacking. In this study, we investigate how a high dose of the D2/D3 dopamine receptor antagonist sulpiride impacts learning about other people’s prosocial attitudes in a repeated Trust game. Using a Bayesian model of belief updating, we show that in a sample of 76 male participants sulpiride increases the volatility of beliefs, which leads to higher precision weights on...

Yan et al. (2023)

Reward positivity biases interval production in a continuous timing task

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The neural circuits of reward processing and interval timing (including perception and production) are functionally intertwined, suggesting that it might be possible for momentary reward processing to influence subsequent timing behavior. Previous animal and human studies have mainly focused on the effect of reward on interval perception, whereas its impact on interval production is less clear. In this study, we examined whether feedback, as an example of performance-contingent reward, biases interval production. We recorded EEG from 20 participants while they engaged...

Zorowitz et al. (2023b)

Inattentive responding can induce spurious associations between task behavior and symptom measures

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A common research design in the field of computational psychiatry involves leveraging the power of online participant recruitment to assess correlations between behavior in cognitive tasks and the self-reported severity of psychiatric symptoms in large, diverse samples. Although large online samples have many advantages for psychiatric research, some potential pitfalls of this research design are not widely understood. Here we detail circumstances in which entirely spurious correlations may arise between task behavior and symptom severity as a result of inadequate...

Bode et al. (2023)

Non-instrumental information-seeking is resistant to acute stress

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Previous research has shown that people intrinsically value non-instrumental information, which cannot be used to change the outcome of events, but only provides an early resolution of uncertainty. This is true even for information about rather inconsequential events, such as the outcomes of small lotteries. Here we investigated whether participants’ willingness to pay for non-instrumental information about the outcome of simple coin-flip lotteries with guaranteed winnings was modulated by acute stress. Stress was induced using the Socially Evaluated Cold Pressor Test...

Robinson & Brady (2023)

A quantitative model of ensemble perception as summed activation in feature space

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Ensemble perception is a process by which we summarize complex scenes. Despite the importance of ensemble perception to everyday cognition, there are few computational models that provide a formal account of this process. Here we develop and test a model in which ensemble representations reflect the global sum of activation signals across all individual items. We leverage this set of minimal assumptions to formally connect a model of memory for individual items to ensembles. We compare our ensemble model against a set of alternative models in five experiments. Our...

Lamba et al. (2023)

Prefrontal cortex state representations shape human credit assignment

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People learn adaptively from feedback, but the rate of such learning differs drastically across individuals and contexts. Here we examine whether this variability reflects differences in what is learned. Leveraging a neurocomputational approach that merges fMRI and an iterative reward learning task, we link the specificity of credit assignment-how well people are able to appropriately attribute outcomes to their causes-to the precision of neural codes in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Participants credit task-relevant cues more precisely in social compared to nonsocial...

Ding et al. (2023)

Inhibition and cognitive flexibility are related to prediction of one's own future preferences in young British and Chinese children

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The ability to shift from current to future perspective is pivotal to future-oriented cognition. With two distinct cultural groups, UK (N = 92) and China (N = 90), we investigated 3 to 5-year-olds’ understanding of preference changes occurring within themselves and their peers (another child). We administered a battery of representative tasks of executive function and theory of mind to examine their underlying relationships with children’s ability to predict future preferences. British 3-year-olds outperformed Chinese children in predicting future preferences,...

Heimer et al. (2023)

Temporal dynamics of the semantic versus affective representations of valence during reversal learning

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Valence, the representation of a stimulus in terms of good or bad, plays a central role in models of affect, value-based learning theories, and value-based decision-making models. Previous work used Unconditioned Stimulus (US) to support a theoretical division between two different types of valence representations for a stimulus: the semantic representation of valence, i.e., stored accumulated knowledge about the value of the stimulus, and the affective representation of valence, i.e., the valence of the affective response to this stimulus. The current work extended...

Kaiser et al. (2023)

Flexible changes in attentional focus and task rules rely on A shared set of frontoparietal oscillatory dynamics

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Flexible changes in behavior can involve changes in the processing of external information (i.e., shifts in attention between different stimuli) or internal information (i.e., shifts in task rules stored in memory). However, it is unclear if different types of flexible change rely on separate, domain-specific neural processes or on a domain-general system, which enables flexible actions independent of the type of change needed. In the current study, participants performed a task switching procedure while we measured neural oscillations via EEG. Importantly, we...

Khan et al. (2023)

Going above and beyond? Early reasoning about which moral acts are best

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Philosophers and theologians have long distinguished between acts a good person is obliged to do, and those that are supererogatory-going above and beyond what is required. Across three studies (N = 796), we discovered a striking developmental difference in intuitions about such acts: while adults view supererogatory actions as morally better than obligatory actions, children view fulfilling obligations as morally better. This difference did not stem from differing views of what is obligatory-children agreed that supererogatory acts were not required. And this...

Lin & von-Helversen (2023)

Never gonna Give you up even when it is suboptimal

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Previous research showed that animals adopt different foraging strategies in different environment settings. However, research on whether humans adapt their foraging strategies to the foraging environment has shown little evidence of a change in strategies. This study aims to investigate whether humans will adapt their foraging strategies when performance differences between strategies are large and why participants may fixate on a single strategy. We conducted two foraging experiments and identified the strategies used by the participants. Most participants used the...

Liu et al. (2023)

What sticks after statistical learning: The persistence of implicit versus explicit memory traces

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Statistical learning is a powerful mechanism that extracts even subtle regularities from our information-dense worlds. Recent theories argue that statistical learning can occur through multiple mechanisms-both the conventionally assumed automatic process that precipitates unconscious learning, and an attention-dependent process that brings regularities into conscious awareness. While this view has gained popularity, there are few empirical dissociations of the hypothesized implicit and explicit forms of statistical learning. Here we provide strong evidence for this...

Luzardo et al. (2023)

Attention does not spread automatically along objects: Evidence from the pupillary light response

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Objects influence attention allocation; when a location within an object is cued, participants react faster to targets appearing in a different location within this object than on a different object. Despite consistent demonstrations of this object-based effect, there is no agreement regarding its underlying mechanisms. To test the most common hypothesis that attention spreads automatically along the cued object, we utilized a continuous, response-free measurement of attentional allocation that relies on the modulation of the pupillary light response. In Experiments 1...

Oktar et al. (2023)

Philosophy instruction changes views on moral controversies by decreasing reliance on intuition

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What changes people’s judgments on moral issues, such as the ethics of abortion or eating meat? On some views, moral judgments result from deliberation, such that reasons and reasoning should be primary drivers of moral change. On other views, moral judgments reflect intuition, with reasons offered as post-hoc rationalizations. We test predictions of these accounts by investigating whether exposure to a moral philosophy course (vs. control courses) changes moral judgments, and if so, via what mechanism(s). In line with deliberative accounts of morality, we find that...

Sayali et al. (2023)

Learning progress mediates the link between cognitive effort and task engagement

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While a substantial body of work has shown that cognitive effort is aversive and costly, a separate line of research on intrinsic motivation suggests that people spontaneously seek challenging tasks. According to one prominent account of intrinsic motivation, the learning progress motivation hypothesis, the preference for difficult tasks reflects the dynamic range that these tasks yield for changes in task performance (Kaplan & Oudeyer, 2007). Here we test this hypothesis, by asking whether greater engagement with intermediately difficult tasks, indexed by...

Schleihauf et al. (2023)

From outcome to process: A developmental shift in judgments of good reasoning

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What does it mean to reason well? One might argue that good reasoning means that the outcome of the reasoning process is correct: reaching the right belief. Alternatively, good reasoning might refer to the reasoning process itself: following the right epistemic procedures. In a preregistered study, we investigated children’s (4-9-year-olds) and adults’ judgments of reasoning in China and the US (N = 256). Participants of all age groups evaluated the outcome when the process was kept constant - they favored agents who reached correct over incorrect beliefs, and they...

Schubert et al. (2023b)

Working memory load affects intelligence test performance by reducing the strength of relational item bindings and impairing the filtering of irrelevant information

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There is a broad consensus that individual differences in working memory capacity (WMC) are strongly related to individual differences in intelligence. However, correlational studies do not allow conclusions about the causal nature of the relationship between WMC and fluid intelligence. While research on the cognitive basis of intelligence typically assumes that simpler lower-level cognitive processes contribute to individual differences in higher-order reasoning processes, a reversed causality or a third variable giving rise to two intrinsically uncorrelated variables...

Xie & Zhang (2023)

Effortfulness of visual working memory: Gauged by physical exertion

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Active maintenance of information in working memory (WM) is an essential but effortful cognitive process. Yet, the effortful nature of WM remains poorly understood. Here, we constructed a model to evaluate how perceived effort of WM is directly compared to that of physical exertion. In Experiment 1, participants freely chose to either remember a certain number of colors in a visual WM task or hold a hand dynamometer to a required percentage of maximal voluntary contraction (%MVC) to obtain a fixed task credit upon successful task completion. We found that participants...

Zilker & Pachur (2023)

Attribute attention and option attention in risky choice

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Probability weighting is one of the most powerful theoretical constructs in descriptive models of risky choice and constitutes a central component of cumulative prospect theory (CPT). Probability weighting has been shown to be related to two facets of attention allocation: one analysis showed that differences in the shape of CPT’s probability-weighting function are linked to differences in how attention is allocated across attributes (i.e., probabilities vs. outcomes); another analysis (that used a different measure of attention) showed a link between probability...

Hewitson et al. (2023)

Metacognitive judgments during visuomotor learning reflect the integration of error history

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People form metacognitive representations of their own abilities across a range of tasks. How these representations are influenced by errors during learning is poorly understood. Here we ask how metacognitive confidence judgments of performance during motor learning are shaped by the learner’s recent history of errors. Across four motor learning experiments, our computational modeling approach demonstrated that people’s confidence judgments are best explained by a recency-weighted averaging of visually observed errors. Moreover, in the formation of these confidence...

Slanina-Davies et al. (2023)

Eating disorder symptoms and control-seeking behavior

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OBJECTIVE: Eating disorders (EDs) are a heterogenous group of disorders characterized by disturbed eating patterns. Links have been made between ED symptoms and control-seeking behaviors, which may cause relief from distress. However, whether direct behavioral measures of control-seeking behavior correlate with ED symptoms has not been directly tested. Additionally, existing paradigms may conflate control-seeking behavior with uncertainty-reducing behavior. METHOD: A general population sample of 183 participants completed part in an online behavioral task, in which...

Biria et al. (2023)

Cortical glutamate and GABA are related to compulsive behaviour in individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder and healthy controls

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There has been little analysis of neurochemical correlates of compulsive behaviour to illuminate its underlying neural mechanisms. We use 7-Tesla proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) to assess the balance of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission by measuring glutamate and GABA levels in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and supplementary motor area (SMA) of healthy volunteers and participants with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Within the SMA, trait and clinical measures of compulsive behaviour are related to glutamate levels, whereas a behavioural...

Katzman et al. (2023)

Sensitivity to the instrumental value of control increases across development

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Across development, people seek to control their environments, often demonstrating a preference for contexts in which they have the opportunity to make choices. However, it is not clear how children, adolescents, and adults learn to calibrate this preference based on the costs and benefits of exerting control. Here, 92 participants between the ages of 10 and 25 completed a probabilistic reinforcement-learning task across contexts in which the instrumental value of control varied. On every trial, participants selected between two slot machines to try to gain the most...

Schurr et al. (2023)

Dynamic computational phenotyping of human cognition

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Computational phenotyping has emerged as a powerful tool for characterizing individual variability across a variety of cognitive domains. An individual’s computational phenotype is defined as a set of mechanistically interpretable parameters obtained from fitting computational models to behavioral data. However, the interpretation of these parameters hinges critically on their psychometric properties, which are rarely studied. In order to identify the sources governing the temporal variability of the computational phenotype, we carried out a 12-week longitudinal study...

Navidi et al. (2023)

Prosocial learning: Model-based or model-free?

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Prosocial learning involves the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for making decisions that benefit others. We asked if, in the context of value-based decision-making, there is any difference between learning strategies for oneself vs. for others. We implemented a 2-step reinforcement learning paradigm in which participants learned, in separate blocks, to make decisions for themselves or for a present other confederate who evaluated their performance. We replicated the canonical features of the model-based and model-free reinforcement learning in our...